Review of Alwin Nikolais

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Link to newspaper review from July 24, 1993, of Alwin Nikolais:
The This-Worldly Side of Nikolais

Upon first learning about Alwin Nikolais, I was immediately intrigued by his out of the box ideas and style.  I was interested in learning more about him and seeing more of his performances.  However, I was not the only one to feel this way apparently because, from the beginning, Nikolais got nothing but praise for his innovations with costumes, sets, lighting, and music.  He gained names such as a new P.T. Barnum, a choreographic Wizard of Oz, a one-man band, and a Renaissance man.  Throughout his career, he continued to shock his audiences with his otherworldy choreography.

Alwin Nikolais Choreography:
Tensile Involvement




  1. I agree Alvin Nikolais is very known for his out of the box costumes, sets, and music. I've watched a few of his videos on YouTube and my mind was blown. Now that I think of it all of the choreographers and dancers that we've learned this summer all had something very unique about them.


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